How do I create a new account?

How do I create a new account?

Process flow for account creation 

Step 1: To start the process, the account owner should create an admin account.
Step 2: Using the admin account, the owner can create accounts for co-workers and invite them to join the system.
Step 3: Once the co-workers' accounts are created, the admin can assign them a global admin role, granting them the necessary permissions to manage the system alongside the owner.

Step 1: Create an admin account on JurisCloud 

  1. To initiate the account creation process, the first admin is required to visit the official website of JurisTechSoultion  
  2. In order to successfully create the new account, the admin must provide essential details including their name, phone number, company/organization name, and email address.
  3. After filling in these necessary details, the admin will be prompted to set a secure password for their newly created account

  4. A verification code will be sent to the admin's registered email address for confirmation

  5. To finalize the new account creation process, the admin is required to enter a verification code.

  6. In case the admin misplaces their verification code, they can simply click on the "Resend Code" button to receive a new code.

Login into JurisCloud

  1. When an admin first accesses the JurisTech website, a login screen will be shown. 
  2. Existing admin can sign in directly using their registered email and password.
  3. For new admin, a quick button is available on the same page to create a new account.

Forget password 

  1. In the event that admins forget their password, they can simply click on the "Forgot Password" button to initiate the password reset process.

  2. Admin are required to enter their registered email address.

  3. After entering their registered email address, admin will receive an email containing a link to reset their password.

  4. Upon clicking the reset password link, admin will be redirected to a page where they can set a new password.

  5. In case the admin does not receive the reset password link via email, they can click on the "Resend" button to request a new email with the link.

Step 2: Invite Co-worker 

Using the admin account, the owner can create accounts for co-workers and invite them to join the system, click here to know How to invite Co-Worker

Step 3: Assign Global Admin Role 

Once the co-workers' accounts are created, the admin can assign them a global admin role, granting them the necessary permissions to manage the system alongside the owner, click here to know How To Assign a Global Admin Role 

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