Overview: Users have two options for searching data: searching within the current file or searching across various folders. The file must have searchable text (PDFs with embedded text) for accurate search results.
Open the desired file from the respective folder.
First user need to click on search button to start the search process
Enter the keyword to search.
The system will present the search results to the user by highlighting them.
Users can navigate through search results using forward and backward buttons.
If the search is performed with the "END" condition, the result will only show if both search keywords match, user need to use "(, Coma)" while they use "And/OR" Condition
If the search is performed with the "OR" condition, the result will show if either of the searches keywords matches.
Enter the keyword to search and select the desired folder from the list.
Select a particular folder or multiple folders.
The search result will display all files containing the searched keyword.
Clicking the view button shows the page number and line where the keyword is found in the respective file.
Further more use can again simply click on page view button, and it will redirect you the specific page where your search keyword appear
To return to the main search result page, click the "result" button.
Perform a full-text word search by entering the desired line and clicking the search button.
The search result will show all files containing the searched line, user can click on file view button to see page number which contain searched line
Clicking the view button redirects to the respective file page where the line is found.
To return to the main search result page, click the "result" button.
If search results are deemed inaccurate, users can click the "Reindex Exhibits" button to reload all files.
After reindexing, users can search again for their desired keyword.
In certain cases, when your indexing status is not completed, the user will see one alert to wait some amount of time until the status contains “Complete”
Users can perform direct global searches across various folders or files using their desired keyword or full-text keyword.